AkaiTsuru Institute.org

Home Page

Welcome to AkaiTsuru Institute. We are creating a today an open, transparent and human-based democracy..

Three elements are required to realize the American ideal of fair, open and where everyone is fully empowered and have equal access and say in public policy.
-Universal single payer healthcare, for without health we can do nothing

-Attack and conquer Global Warming, for without a planet what use is any government of the people or any other social-political entity.

-Save our American Democracy because money destroys equal access and cancels out free speech.  Corporations clearly are not people.
Corporations serve as an economic entity  that helps new and start-up business gain a foothold into

We are always looking for volunteers.
If you have an interest and skills in publishing, or web management, or organizing conferences and seminars, We are interested in you. 

Please join us in creating a future an America that each one of us can be proud of. One that every nation will admire and emulate on their terms, and their style.

contact us at info@akaitsuruinstitute.org or by classic mail for details.

AkaiTsuru Institute - info
POB 281775
Dept. D
San Francisco, CA 94128


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